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¡°Ten Million Citizen Memory Friends¡± Project

In 2015, the Seoul Metropolitan Center for Dementia (SMCD) has started an awareness improvement project for dementia called ¡°Ten Million Citizen Memory Friends¡±, in order to make Seoul become a dementia-friendly city so that people with dementia and their families can live safely. The ¡°Ten Million Citizen Memory Friends¡± project was set to provide basic education about dementia to all citizens (about Ten millions) of Seoul and have them be ¡°Memory Friends¡± who would respond with a warm welcome when meeting people with dementia and their caregivers. To achieve the goal, the Seoul Metropolitan Center for Dementia (SMCD) and local dementia centers would first train ¡°Memory Friends Leaders¡± as voluntary instructors and the ¡°Memory Friends Leaders¡± would then educate citizens around them to become ¡°Memory Friends¡±.