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Slogan & CI

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"¤¡ (giyeok)" is the first Korean alphabet. The pronunciation is very similar to the Korean word for "memory (giyeok)." It therefore carries a symbolical motif that boosts the level of attention towards the project by encouraging people to think of dementia, and by piquing their interest. Also, "¤¡" is the first consonant in the Korean alphabet, and signifies the policy of the Dementia Center that seeks to manage dementia from its early stages. "¤¡" plays the role of a medium that replaces the difficult and negative connotation of dementia with something that is easy and familiar. ¡°In search of Happy "¤¡" with the City of Seoul¡± has the intention of expressing the core policy of the Seoul Dementia Management Project, which manages and prevents dementia from its early stages by using a catch-phrase that is fun and by instilling the proper recognition of dementia.